Thursday, June 26, 2008

Unorganized Team

So I joined a new team on the Etsy website. I am so frustrated by it too.

So I sign up for their "website" page. And then I realize what a mess it all is. There are not many members as of right now, but if it does start to kick off, it is going to be an even bigger mess.

My complaints so far:
  • The forum on this website does not have sections, so every post is just thrown together in one big blob.
  • I posted a question on the forum FIVE days ago, and it has yet to be answered.
  • I sent a message to the team leader, asking the same question, and she still has not answered.
  • There was supposed to be a team meeting in chat, and we were supposed to be emailed the password for the room. Well, we never got an email (and there is not excuse for this, IMO. Send us the password early for crap's sake.) And the team leader ended up not starting the chat, which I can understand if things come up, but I still don't get the password thing.
  • I have yet to find out what we need to put on our item tags to let them show up in team searches.

I am ultra frustrated right now and I'm seriously thinking about leaving the team. If you're going to start a freakin' team, be organized or get someone to help you get that way. Gah I could SCREAM right now!

2 comments on "Unorganized Team"

Anonymous said...

It is really sad when a team can't come together to actually be a team. I'm so glad you chose FAM as a team. We are very organized and lend a hand and help when ever we can.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, grr.... That kinda thing makes me nuts. Maybe you should take your valuable support elsewhere?


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